Korak 2
Opcije domene
Korak 3
Korak 5


Odaberite valutu:

Budget - 1 domain, 1GB disk space, unlimited bandwidth

Website KickStart - GlobalHost will kickstart your website using the WordPress framework. We will set up WordPress for you, install an appropriate theme, create the pages you want, insert images and integrate them with your text.

$99.00 USD Odjednom
Premium - 4 domains, 2GB disk space, unlimited bandwidth

Platinum - 8 domains, 4GB disk space, unlimited bandwidth

Reseller Pro - 25 Domains
1.5GB Disk Space
Unlimited Bandwidth

Super Platinum - 10 domains, 4GB disk space, unlimited bandwidth, 7 Minute Support

Secure Transaction Ova forma za narudžbu nalazi se u sigurnom području i za zaštitu od prijevare na Vašoj IP adresi () je prijavljen.